Recent scientific studies present sea buckthorn as a fruit with multiple and astonishing properties. Originally from Siberia and used in traditional Chinese medicine for at least 1,200 years, this small orange fruit arrived in Quebec in the 2000s.
It is attributed with many benefits when consumed: gastrointestinal health, cardiovascular health, immune systems, etc.

What about the benefits for the skin?
Sea buckthorn oil contains vitamins and essential fatty acids. Its benefits range from cellular regeneration allowing the healing of wounds and burns to hydration and protection of the epidermis. We can thus affirm that creams or serums based on sea buckthorn oil have anti-aging and anti-acne properties in addition to treating more serious skin problems. Note the healing effects of the oil and its derivatives for skin affected by psoriasis, eczema, hyperpigmentation, etc.

The results of the clinical study demonstrated that almost three-quarters of the women who participated in the study noted a reduction in fine lines and an increase in skin tone after just one month of use. If we look at the results in terms of hydration, 96% of participants declared that their skin was more hydrated after just 14 days.
Moreover, not containing any harmful or toxic ingredients for the skin and the environment, Protégez-vous magazine in 2018 ranked Aroma moisturizing cream in its top 20 (out of 387) during an independent evaluation. It must still be added that the effective recipe composed by a talented biochemist undoubtedly has a lot to do with it.

Mont Écho is a pioneer in the production of sea buckthorn and in the manufacturing of products from its harvests. Few cosmetic products can boast of being 100% produced in Quebec and made from natural products like the products from Mont Écho Boréal.

PS As pure sea buckthorn oil is known to stain the skin upon application, it is recommended to use processed products with a high percentage of oil .
The media are talking about it:
L’Express, Drummondville, May 14, 2022
Protect yourself, April 2018 Review of 387 facial moisturizers: Mont Echo in the top 20!
Additional source The Association of Sea Buckthorn Producers of Quebec